Game Appreciation

Understanding the artistic value of games and game design

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What is Game Appreciation?

Music educators have long understood how important music appreciation is for musicians to expand their creativity and composition skills.

Music appreciation is a division of musicology that is designed to teach students how to understand and describe the contexts and creative processes involved in music composition.

WIKIPEDIA • Music Appreciation

Game Appreciation follows the same philosophy. To builder better games, you must study and appreciate the art of game making.

Why is Game Appreciation Important?

Now, consider for a moment how many in main stream culture perceive people who play video games. The stereo-type of the teenage-boy, in his mom's basement, wasting his time 'playing video games'.

Those of us who teach game design and development should formally stress the importance of Game Appreciation.

Greg Moss • Co-Founder of

Listening or playing music is ironically far more respected as a legitimate past-time in our culture.

man and two women sitting beside brown wooden table close-up photography

Respecting the Art of Making Games

Imagine for a moment that you are in a job interview. Your future boss casually asks you if you have plans for the evening.

How are you perceived if you tell your employer you plan to attend a jazz concert versus telling that same potential employer you intend to play Video Games with your friends? 

Game Appreciation is critical for the game industry to thrive, grow and become the respected art form it deserves to be.  

Greg Moss • Co-Founder of Game Appreciation

Unless you are applying for a job in the game industry, many people will judge the fact you are playing video games as a leisure activity. 

The purpose of this site is to Educate and Inspire Game Designers, Developers and Business Professionals on the value of Game Appreciation.